“1 Minute Later”, Paperback


Author SAMVEL GEVORGYAN.  2021, 192 pages.


How to achieve excellence and make sure that you #KeepMoving.

Written by Samvel Gevorgyan, the author of the bestseller “Your Own Business in Armenia”, “1 Minute Later” is a book for readers who value every single minute and want to unleash their full potential. Grab your copy of this book if you want to turn obstacles into opportunities, make the most of every moment, and #KeepMoving forward.

Excerpt from the Book

The world around us is changing, bringing all kinds of new challenges, new ideas and demands. And if no major changes take place during that day, we feel like something is wrong.

Everything is changing very quickly, to the extent that rapid change is no longer surprising us. We tend to think this is how it should be, that it’s always been this way.

It remains to catch the wave of change …