Home Solutions

While running your own business can be rewarding, it can also be hard to cope with the demands that come at you from so many different directions.
If you’re in sole charge then these pressures are even more intense. Having a business coach is like having a highly experienced partner, who can help you and your team navigate any challenges in the most effective way possible.

Solutions for your business

Solutions for leading your business, meeting your goals and achieving success.
Strategic Plan
We’ll start by learning everything about your brand, from its value propositions to its target audience to the challenges it faces today and beyond. Next, I’ll work closely with you to set beneficial and attainable goals for your team and develop a strategy that’s uniquely suited to the specifics of your business and your situation.
Business Plan
A business plan is an organized vision of your venture and its activities in the upcoming years. It helps discover the company’s hidden potential, evaluate existing risks and become ready to overcome any obstacles.
Business Diagnosis
Business diagnosis is a process of working to find out the reasons for low performance by detecting the links between causes and results.
Thus, this is a process of detecting the symptoms and the fundamental causes of problems that have arisen.
Market Research
The aim of market research is collecting data about current and potential customers, competitors and factors impacting the market. Such data supports business decision making and it helps reduce possible risks while making decisions.
Sales Management
Sales management is the process of coordinating the operations of the sales force and introducing sales techniques. It allows the business to consistently reach its sales indicators and targets, sometimes even exceeding these targets.
Project Evaluation
The goal of the analysis is to determine the feasibility of the business idea, for instance, whether the project is legally and technically possible, as well as economically reasonable. In short, is it worth investing in that project?
Invesment Projects
Sometimes, you need to attract foreign investment for your business’ further development. An investment plan is presented to the investor along with your marketing strategy, product and team vision, financial and market forecasts.
Financial Management
The proper usage and distribution of financial resources improve the operational efficiency of an economic entity. When properly used, financial resources can decrease the cost of the capital and increase the value of the firm. Effective financial management helps make long-term business decisions.
Marketing plan
Marketing plans and strategies allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities. When you accurately target your ideal customer, you reduce marketing costs and increase sales.
Business Processes
A business process is a sequence of interrelated activities for accomplishing a function, such as providing customer service or product delivery, as a result of which the company’s goals are achieved.
Operational Management
Business operations management inside the company aims to guarantee the greatest efficiency. This includes the effective transformation of raw materials and the labor force into products and services to improve the profit of the enterprise.

Business Training

Training is not only limited to training hours. Training starts with needs assessment, the definition of goals and learning outcomes.

The main goal of business training is to enhance staff motivation, enabling employees to become full-fledged team members and improve performance. Furthermore, motivation plays a crucial role in starting to implement the obtained knowledge and applying the tools, techniques and methods learned during the training.


SeminarStrategic Planning Session

The planning session will help you define long-term business goals, improve staff engagement to reach common goals, and narrow your focus to get the right things done.


Master the art of negotiation, develop negotiating skills and techniques, learn practical tools, which will help you negotiate effectively and achieve much-desired success in business.

TrainingBusiness Modelling and Growth

An efficient business model is the basis of a successful and sustainable business. The business model is a visible image, which demonstrates how different business departments collaborate to create extra value for customers.

CoachingBuilding Powerful Teams in Business

A powerful team is the core of a powerful business. Success in business depends on your team’s effective collaboration. The purpose of team building and the related management process is to create the best staff possible.

CoachingPersonal Coaching

Personal coaching helps you make decisions to start your own business, generate smart ideas and develop a business model. The whole program concept includes 6 + 1 meetings, the first of which is free. Meetings can be held both online and offline. The result is a business idea and a business model to bring that idea to life

Training5X Sales Growth System

Sales system, staff engagement, tools and techniques that promote sales growth.

Contact me
at any time

We all know that the business world poses many challenges not easy to overcome. And sometimes there are questions that have no answers. I am here to help you.
6 Yekmalyan Street., 0002, Yerevan, Armenia